2017 Was A Very Successful Year!

The David Louis Cunha Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization established on January 13, 2015, upon the sudden passing of David Cunha. The Foundation’s mission is to provide financial support to families with children living with life threatening medical conditions. David’s Foundation also reaches out to children in general who are in need of some compassion and assistance in their daily lives and to local groups and agencies that are committed to help those children. Lastly, the Foundation awards scholarships to Smithfield High School graduating seniors who have excelled in community service and embody a generous heart, as did David.
Since its inception, the David Louis Cunha Foundation has provided over $ 24,500.00 in donations/grants and scholarships to deserving Rhode Island and near-by Massachusetts children.
In February of this year, David’s Foundation had the honor of donating $ 500.00 to the Monster Tough 4 Davis Fundraiser held at Saint Timothy’s parish in Warwick. The fundraiser was for Davis McLarnon, a three year old boy who was recently diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. Funds will go toward medical bills for the family.
For the remaining of this year, we will proudly donate an additional $ 14,000.00 to children in need.
But for now, if you would, please review what David’s Foundation has been able to do so far with the wonderful support of our community, friends and family.
In 2017, thanks to the generosity and steadfast support of our community and so many friends and family, David’s Foundation donated a total of $ 14,100.00 and was able to accomplish the following:
- May 2017 - Scholarships to Smithfield High School. Two $1,000.00 scholarships were awarded to two seniors who excelled in community service. ($2,000.00)
- July 2017 – Edward Madden Open Hearts Camp. A donation of $ 2,500.00 was made to Open Hearts Camp to sponsor ten children for a two week stay. This camp hosts cardiac children who have undergone open-heart surgeries, many of who have received heart transplants.
- August 2017 – A Wish Come True / Warwick, RI. A donation of $ 5,000.00 was made to sponsor a young boy’s wish for him and his family to vacation on Block Island for one week. As David was, Domenic is a cardiac child, and both he and his sister have had to battle serious health conditions all of their lives and continue to do so.
Also, during the 2017 Christmas season, David’s Foundation was able to donate a total of $ 2,850.00 to the following local agencies to specifically help children…children who do not experience the joys of Christmas that most do…children with no homes or who are away from their homes for good reason…children who were in great need of some Christmas kindness:
- Adoption Rhode Island
- Devereux-Tanner Hill Houses (Woonsocket & Pascoag)
- Christmas Is For Kids
- Smithfield Rotary Club
- Friends Way (Warwick)
We are also most pleased to announce that on January 1st, 2018, to commemorate David’s 24th birthday, the David Louis Cunha Foundation donated an additional $ 1,750.00 to the Edward Madden Open Hearts Camp to purchase a much-needed new AED (Automated External Defibrillator) along with three sets of adult & child pads, and backup batteries. An AED is used to react to and treat sudden cardiac arrest. This AED is crucial to the operation of the camp and the well being of the campers.
David Louis Cunha Foundation /2016 Donations:
- March 2016 - Donation to A Wish Come True / Warwick, RI. Bella, a four year old girl with leukemia and her family granted a wish to go to Disney World ($4,000.00).
- May 2016 – Donation to Boston Children’s Pace Maker Camp. Five children from Rhode Island with pace makers granted a 3 day / 2 night stay at the camp ($2,240.00).
- May 2016 – Scholarships to Smithfield High School. Two $1,000.00 scholarships awarded to two students who have excelled in community service ($2,000.00).
Christmas Season 2016, the David Louis Cunha Foundation was able to donate over $ 2,000.00 to the following local agencies to specifically help children.
- Adoption Rhode Island
- Friends Way
- Tanner Hill House
- Aids Care Ocean State
- Crossroads Rhode Island Domestic Violence Program
- David’s Foundation also supported the Miracles for Maddox fundraiser held on December 10th.
- Ann Sabbagh and Seacoast Mortgage
- Bank RI
- William Tsonos
- Mark Meiklejohn
- Mark Mercurio & Go East Promotions
- Anthony DiPaola & Foster Grant International
- Local 226
- La Familia
- Alan Hochman Tours
- Marie Puleo Flaherty & Remax
- Mary Ann Crudale & Remax
- Sodexo
- Karen & Peter Aiello
- Robert & Donna Ricci
- Mary Jane Theroux
- Lisa & Jeffrey Popper
- Jean & Fred Uttley
- Mark & Peggy Plociak
Fundraising Committee
- Jill Patrie
- Brenda Pinga
- Lisa Tommasiello
- Wendy Gongoleski
- Marisa Ricciardi
- Denise Langevin
- Lynn Paton
- Sandra Pacheco
- Paul Gagne
- Sandra DeSousa
- Carole Stiles
- Keith Stiles
- Rick Natale
- Dave Tessier
- Roger Allen
- Brenda Pinga
- Deb Anderson
- Paula Duffy
- Lisa Tommasiello
- Chantal Faucher
- Ed Murphy
- Gary Smith
- Shirley Grande
- Janice Rosa
- Donna Mann
- Luigia Solda
- Diane Rowles
- Mary Theroux
- Mary Grundy
- Sandra Rhodes
- Lawrence Dionne
- David Boucher
- Alycia Marandola
- Keith Mailloux
- Claudia Haugen
- Alan Goldberg
- Cheryl D’Itri
- Ben Perry
- Carlos Cruz
- Charlie Walsh
- Mickey Palmieri
- Barry Morang
- Addy MacNevin
- Charlie DosSantos
- Maria Gemma Corcelli
- Joyce Perry
- Kimberly Winemann
- Tracey Rhodes Pendergraft
- Donna Perry
- Jane Iannetta
- Beth Doyle
- Joseph Tommasiello
- Paula Duffy
- Dustin Rhodes
- Carmela Valcourt
- Mary Theroux
- Joseph Bettencourt
- Donna & Peter Perry
- Robert & Donna Ricci
- Joseph Bettencourt
- Paula Pallozzi
- Alan Goldberg
- David Boucher
- Pattie Saracino
- Lisa Parrillo
- Amanda Cordle
- Julie Latessa
- Joyce Perry
- Alan Hochman
- Dawn Cole
- Laurie Diaz & Southwest Airlines
- Karen & Peter Aiello
- Robert & Donna Ricci
- Sondra & Sam Weiner
- Ann Sabbagh
- Steven Ricciardi
- Erin Demelo & Sugar Mama's Sweets & Treats
- Richard & Donna Mann
- Beverly Chappron
- Donna Perry
- Mary Mullen & Odds ‘N Ends Marketing
- Michael Cerio & Cerio Communications
- Lainey Dionne
- Dave Kane
- John Morris
- Linda & Donna DePalma
- Jane Iannetta
- Tracey Rhoades
- Joe Tommasiello
- Mike Rozzero Jr.
- Mike Rozzero Sr.
- Paula Pallozzi
- Lydia Muccino
- Teri Rozzero
- Mike Benedetti
- Kevin Flaherty
- Arthur Patrie