David Louis Cunha Foundation 2021 Fundraiser! 31 Days of Prizes !!


On Sunday, August 1st, David’s Foundation will kick off its 31 Days of Prizes Fundraiser ! A chance to win one daily prize during the month and then all ticket holders are eligible for the grand prize of $1000 on August 31st !

Tickets are on sale now !  Please contact Cheryl Cunha @ 401-419-2100 or Peter Cunha @ [email protected] for more information or to purchase tickets.  Thank you !

David Louis Cunha Foundation 2021 Scholarships !

Congratulations to Jessica Balcom and Robert Squillante – 2021 recipients of David Louis Cunha Foundation Scholarships. These scholarships are awarded to Smithfield High School graduating seniors who have excelled in community service and embody the generous heart and character that defined David. Winners are chosen by a panel of some of David’s former teachers from the high school and middle school. Jessica and Robert each received $1,000.00 to put towards their first year of college. Congratulations once again. And we would like to take this opportunity to recognize and offer our heartfelt thanks to our dear friend Luigia Solda, Librarian & Media Specialist at Smithfield High School. Luigia was a teacher & good friend of David’s throughout his four years at Smithfield High, and was so very instrumental in the creation of the David Louis Cunha Foundation Scholarship. Each year Luigia sees the scholarship process through from the very beginning to the very end. A lot of time & work ! Thank you, Luigia….for your caring, kindness, and friendship. And as always, THANK YOU ALL for your wonderful support.

Welcome to 2021 !!

Dear Friends,

With the beginning of 2021, we hope and pray the New Year will bring better times for us all.

As you know, due to unprecedented health and financial hardships and restrictions brought on by the Covid19 crisis, the David Louis Cunha Foundation was forced to cancel its annual fundraiser in 2020. But because of your most generous and kindhearted support over the last five years, David’s Foundation was able to donate over $12,000.00 in 2020 to children in need and their families. Since its inception in 2015, the David Louis Cunha Foundation has been privileged to provide over $84,800.00 in donations to Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts children. And most certainly…we have only been able to do so because of YOU. YOU make all possible.

As we look ahead in 2021, David’s Foundation will persevere in its mission to serve children with terminal and life threatening medical conditions…and children who are in need of some compassion and a helping hand in their daily lives. Please do not forget us. We are still here. Please let us know if you should know of a child who you believe David’s Foundation could help.

Thank you all so very much for your kindness and support.

David Louis Cunha Foundation’s Christmas Giving.

"Christmas is the time of year where want is keenly felt and abundance rejoices".

Dear Friends,

In years past as the Christmas season came upon us, David’s Foundation would be preparing for its annual Christmas Giving to children in need…children who do not experience the joys and happiness of Christmas that most children do. This year we do the same, but, as we all have witnessed or experienced firsthand, the Covid crisis has brought unprecedented hardships. There are countless families just trying to make ends meet, let alone putting presents under a Christmas tree. That is why David’s Foundation’s Christmas Giving this year will not only include toys and clothes for children, but also some bare necessities needed by struggling families with children. As always, we are only able to do this because of YOU and your most generous and steadfast support over the years. Thank you all so much…and please stay tuned for more news.

Ann Sabbagh of Seacoast Mortgage Corp & the David Louis Cunha Foundation.

On Friday, October 2nd, our dear friend, Ann Sabbagh, President of Seacoast Mortgage Corporation, invited us to her Narraganset office to create this video for the purpose of introducing the David Louis Cunha Foundation to folks who may not be familiar with David’s Foundation.

Ann & Seacoast Mortgage have been David’s Foundation’s greatest sponsor from day one.  Ann has not only supported David’s Foundation financially, but she has supported us with her caring friendship and endless commitment to help David’s Foundation succeed in its mission of helping children.

We met Ann through our dear friends, Joyce & Bob Perry. Ann and David shared many good times together. On occasion, they were the only Yankee fans in a room full of Red Sox fans ! Now there’s a bond !

Thank you, Ann, for your kindness and boundless support. You are the best ! And a special “thank you” to Kimberly Sabbagh, for your tireless work in making this video possible.

Tracy’s Birthday Donations !

Dear Friends,

If you would like to make a kind donation to David’s Foundation in honor of Tracy’s birthday…you can do so by going to the Donations page and donate via PayPal. If you do not have a PayPal account, please contact Cheryl or Peter directly and we will be most happy and appreciative to assist you in any way we can. Thank you so very much.

Cheryl 401-419-2100

Peter [email protected]

David Louis Cunha Foundation & AmazonSmile!

A heartfelt Thank You to our dear friend, Gabriella Caprio…for her reminder that for all of us who are Amazon customers, we can sign in through AmazonSmile and select David’s Foundation as our favorite charitable organization. Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to David’s Foundation. Thank you all so much for your continued support !

David Louis Cunha Foundation / Smithfield High School 2020 Scholarships.

Congratulations to Jessica Nicholson, Hannah Hardy, & Sean Martin– 2020 recipients of David Louis Cunha Foundation Scholarships. These scholarships are awarded to Smithfield High School graduating seniors who have excelled in community service and embody the generous heart and character that defined David. Winners are chosen by a panel of some of David’s former teachers from the high school and middle school. Jessica, Hannah, & Sean each received $1,000.00 to put towards their first year of college. Congratulations once again.

And we would like to take this opportunity to recognize and offer our heartfelt thanks to our dear friend Luigia Solda, Librarian & Media Specialist at Smithfield High School. Luigia was a teacher & good friend of David’s throughout his four years at Smithfield High, and was so very instrumental in the creation of the David Louis Cunha Foundation Scholarship. Each year Luigia sees the scholarship process through from the very beginning to the very end. A lot of time & work ! Thank you, Luigia….for your caring, kindness, and friendship. And as always, THANK YOU ALL for your wonderful support.

David Louis Cunha Foundation 6th Annual Fundraiser – Rescheduled to June, 2021 !!

Dear Friends

For the past five years, the Spring has represented a time of year when David’s Foundation would normally be in full swing preparing for its annual fundraiser held in June. This Spring, however, has brought experiences and concerns that none of us could ever have imagined. Not only are our families, friends and entire communities facing the unprecedented health crisis of COVID19, too many are struggling with financial challenges and unemployment. It is, sadly, a time of worry and great hardship for some.

It takes no less than four months of work to host that special Summer fundraiser. Yet when the day comes to end, we realize how every minute of that time was so incredibly worthwhile. We also see how truly blessed we are to have the family, friends, and supporters in our lives that we do.

After much thought and consideration regarding the current health crisis, the rising unemployment rates, and the daily life struggles during this pandemic, we have made the decision to cancel David’s Foundation’s fundraiser this year. This decision was not made easily, but we have no doubt it is the right one for this time.

Although we will not gather together this Summer, please know that David’s Foundation remains true to its mission to continue reaching children and families in need. We are only able to do this because of you and your most generous support over the years. Our focus to serve children with terminal and life threatening medical conditions continues; however, because there are so many families with young children struggling on many levels during this pandemic, David’s Foundation will widen its scope to help where we can. If you know of a family in need who you believe David’s Foundation could assist, please contact us. This growth of services to help all children in need is part of the evolution of David’s Foundation.

We sincerely thank you for your kindness, caring, and wonderful support over the years. And, if you are in a position to kindly make a gift this year, we are still most appreciatively accepting contributions to fund our outreach to children. We hope and pray that, with God’s help, 2021 will be a better year for all of us. Take care, stay safe, and be well. We look forward to seeing you at our next fundraiser!

Most Sincerely & With Our Heartfelt Gratitude Always,

Peter & Cheryl Cunha
David Louis Cunha Foundation

Please Contact Us – David Louis Cunha Foundation / 563 Log Road, Smithfield, Rhode Island 02917
Cheryl Cunha (401) 419-2100 / Peter Cunha [email protected] / davidlouiscunhafoundation.org