Edward Madden Open Hearts Camp

On July 22nd, the David Louis Cunha Foundation had the pleasure of donating $ 2,500.00 to the Edward Madden Open Hearts Camp located in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. As you may remember, this camp hosts children who have undergone all types of open heart surgeries. During the entire Summer, the camp welcomes kids from Rhode Island, Massachusetts, & Connecticut. The donation will be used to cover the refurb and beautification of the camp’s art bunk house….a place where the kids can express themselves through art and experience endless hours of enjoyment. And yes, when the camp was a fully functioning farm many years ago…the bunkhouse was a chicken coop !

To visit this camp and spend time with these extraordinary children, is an experience that one does not forget. The children are truly excited to be there…and there is no hiding their camaraderie with each other. Though these children have other friends at home, at this camp they share a common bond among each other…a bond that most of us cannot understand the depth of. There are no feelings of awkwardness, no feelings of uneasiness or embarrassment…just feelings of acceptance and friendship. It is truly a special place.

We heartfully THANK YOU all for making this donation possible through your wonderful support. And please stay tuned for more great news from David’s Foundation.