On Tuesday, December 10th, David’s Foundation had the true pleasure of donating $ 4,000.00 to a young man whose only wish was to have a pool that he and his family could all enjoy together. Ethan is four year boy with a congenital heart defect that is very similar to what David was born with. Ethan was born with a single ventricle, and has gone through multiple open heart surgeries. He and his family have faced many challenges in his four short years. Many sleepless nights for sure. But like David, Ethan has a winning personality and is full of life !! Ethan has a tough road ahead of him, but he is a fighter in every sense of the word, and a true lover of life. He reminds us so very much of our David….right down to his rosy cheeks !
Ethan will receive his brand new pool in the Spring time….thanks to your caring and kindness. YOU make all of what David’s Foundation accomplishes possible. As always, thank you so very much for your steadfast support.